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Ghost Cities

Stand-Alone Project
Social Studies or Inquiry Learning
Curriculum Level: 3 to 5
Investigating  |  Conceptual Understanding


Want your learners engaged and interested in the world?

Amazingly, there are cities in the world that lie completely empty! Some of these used to be thriving bustling places that mysteriously declined. Some of them are shiny and brand new, but nobody wants to live there. And some had to be abandoned suddenly! 

Ghost Cities is a stand-alone project that teachers can use to engage students and have them investigate the interesting world of abandoned cities. Students are guided to investigate an abandoned city and create a poster or digital presentation to communicate their findings. Their project could be completed over several class lessons or as a homework task.

Ghost Cities is self-contained and perfect for busy teachers who like using well-designed and reliable resources. The teacher support material is useful for any teacher, but particularly for those new to the profession. As stand-alone projects, they can be used any time of year and provide students an opportunity for independent inquiry.

The online resource pack includes introductory material, teacher notes, full-colour task sheet, google docs version and a suggested marking schedule. All documents are editable and customisable for your individual school needs.



Ghost Cities

Stand-Alone Project
$ 25 +gst
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  • Add access for additional staff members
  • Access to updated or added files, links or resources.

This unit is structured to assess social studies skills and understanding:

Investigation & Research Skills
Conceptual Understanding

Level 3: Understand people view and use places differently
Level 4: Understand that events have causes and effects
Level 5: Understand that people move between places and how this has consequences for the people and the places

What’s in the Package?

You get online access to an exclusive member’s area where you can access or download all of the resources.

A highly visual PowerPoint presentation to introduce students to the world of abandoned places

Teacher notes that match the Powerpoint presentation slides to describe, explain and add detail to the introduction. Setting the scene for the project.

Advice is provided about carrying out the project.

A beautiful full-colour instruction sheet that you can print and give to the students. It contains the task instructions and examples of abandoned places for students to investigate.

The instructions can also be given to students as a Google Doc for digital environments or for classes that use Google Classroom.
The Google Doc contains the task instructions and examples of abandoned places for students to investigate. 
They could also use the document as a place to collect their information.

Links are provided to videos and articles that the teacher may choose to use with their learners.

A guide with options for marking the social studies skills and the understanding covered in the project. An editable version is also supplied so you can customise it for your school.


David Kennedy
David KennedyWaiheke High School
The students found it interesting to look into Ghost Cities. The task worked really well, especially for remote learning.
Laureen Clouston
Laureen CloustonWaimauku School
I used the assignment onto a set of slides for my Year 7 and 8 class. The kids have really enjoyed doing it. It's an excellent resource thanks.

The Ghost Cities stand-alone project was created in: Aug 2021

Engaging Material

Interesting topics with beautifully presented resources

Print on Demand

Teachers can print as many copies as required for use in their school

Digital Classrooms

Digital format makes it easy to provide resources electronically.